Chinese Yoyos

Note from the person who posted this video:”Things starts to get freaky at 1:53″

Note: The yo-yo is actually spinning really fast even though it may not look like it. Second of all, the yo-yo is not attached to the string by any way(no glue, staples, etc.). Even though it seems like this kid is doing something impossible

I have lived in china when I was really young. One of the many things that is very memorable to me is actually the Chinese yo-yo.
Unfortunately, I have never mastered it(because I was so young and too little) but I have always found it marvelous how people spin this hourglass shaped object on a thin piece of string. People near my neighborhood would spin the yo-yo by furiously pulling the string up with each hand, alternating. They were not like the kid- who is apparently some kind of yo-yo prodigy- but some can throw them in the air and catch them and do simple things like that.This isn’t really a self-explanatory sport like actual yo-yo’s because it’s difficult to get the hang of(at least for me it is). What perplexes me is how they keep the yo-yo spinning for so long. When I tried to imitate, without success, the rapid alternating hand motions, the yo-yo didn’t spin. I probably will try to master it later in my life, but first, I need to find one…

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One thought on “Chinese Yoyos”

  1. That video was amazing. I have no idea how to do anything like that. I probably wouldn’t even be able to get the yo yo on the string. Also, if your looking for one, it’s probably somewhere on Amazon.

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