
Personally, I think math is really fun, although some questions may be frustrating. Last year, in my math class, my teacher showed us a site and told us to do these math problems. Embarrassingly, I forgot to make  a four negative and got stuck on 1 problem for the whole class last year. It’s not extremely hard, but I hope you have fun with it!

Here is the link:

P.S. It’s like a scavenger hunt, online.

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I am from…

I am from the water,
From the TV and the lights.
I am from a cozy couch.
I am from the tomatoes in the backyard
The giant fern
whose long gone leafs
as if they were my own.
I’m from traveling to China and working hard,
from my mom and Michael.
I’m from hiking and speaking Chinese,
and from exercising daily.
I’m from “don’t cuss” and study hard
and the “ABC’s”.
I’m from eating mooncakes on the Mid Autumn Festival.
I’m from New York and China.
From Michael getting stuck on the ski slope,
that I also had trouble with.
A 2000 piece puzzle
on the wall.

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A Cheesy Chinese Riddle

This is a very, very cheesy riddle. If you know Chinese(Simplified) then this shouldn’t be a extremely hard challenge. If you don’t know Chinese, use a dictionary or Google translate. Here it is:
This is how I translates it(I won’t try to trick you with this, this is the actual meaning):
What is something that buying and selling have, but it’s also something that everyone have.
Hint: This riddle does not only have to do with the meaning, you should also look at the word structurally.
Good luck!

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I thought it was pretty fun to listen and perform. We ALL made mistakes, but it wasn’t so bad. Sadly, clarinet squeaks are the most obvious. Clarinets can’t really play really loud, but the squeaks are terrible. They are so shrill and echoes in the cafeteria so it can be heard very well even if the whole band is playing at max volume. I can pick them out easily, so that is one of the downside of playing clarinet.

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Okay, as you all might have seen these weird glitches on Edublogs or not, I just need help on how to fix them. Right now, as I am typing this post, my sidebar only have four or five widgets and I didn’t change them. When I clicked the save button on everyone of them, it still didn’t show up, even the class blog widget disappeared. Second of all, my profile picture keeps changing and I have tried to upload them again. When I comment, it’s is what it’s supposed to be. I really need some ideas on how to fix these, especially the sidebar one.

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A Preposition Poem

The Vigilante

By: McKennon R., Abhinav A., and Vincent Z.

In Chicago,

Through the shadows,

On top of the tallest building,

Underneath the twilight,

With reason of justice,

Against crime,

The Vigilante watches silently.

Vigilantes are people who take the law into their own hands. The character that we are trying to describe is Batman, which we tried very hard to do without saying the name Batman. I know it’s kind of cheesy but I hope you enjoyed this poem!

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